Monday, January 26, 2015

3000 Farnam Condos and Twin Towers Condos Omaha


     Nope, the new name did not occur sometime this year.


     This URL should turn out to be only one typed character different than Yo's main one running since Nov 2011. 

    is our's,  and Yo's original

             is .


Sisters joists, as in 2 bolted together in repairing
an overloaded one that began sagging.

@                  @

Our new URL, again, is .

%         %

Their good ole main one has been .


     Look what the raccoon dragged in to the backyard now :

It seems Blackthorne Co. strikes out again.


Tenant victim goes by name "TC" .

The URL link is :  .


A cat doing a normal, curious inspection


     Twin Towers Condos     to become      ?     this year.
Or, Condos at 3000 Farnam.   Or, d.b.a., and remaining TTCA on the Master Deed. 

     The Board of Directors seems lost.


     Our less spectacular Picasa image collection is at . 
